Section Title 1 ############### Section Title 2 *************** Section Title 3 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Section Title 4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Section Title 5 """"""""""""""" Section Title 6 ''''''''''''''' keywords ******** module names to avoid ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ string Stuff ***** Primary Secondary Tertiary Quaternary Quinary secondary, tertiary, and quaternary layers I believe that record is held by the codepoint U+FBF9 (ﯹ), “ARABIC LIGATURE UIGHUR KIRGHIZ YEH WITH HAMZA ABOVE WITH ALEF MAKSURA ISOLATED FORM,” which is 83 characters. There are a couple of other Arabic ligatures that are close to that count, as well. The next longest name for a different sort of character is U+1F502 (🔂), “CLOCKWISE RIGHTWARDS AND LEFTWARDS OPEN CIRCLE ARROWS WITH CIRCLED ONE OVERLAY” which is 78 characters. Add a "py.typed" file LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE = 212B LATIN CAPITAL LETTER ETH = 0 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH STROKE LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S LATIN SMALL LETTER AE # Random notes Rexex parser: Adds support for wildcard searches using '*'. command core only the basics here use on web server or as external library b binary: + includes it - excludes it (NOT) WHERE pig AND dog WHERE NOT pig AND dog WHERE pig AND NOT dog WHERE NOT pig AND NOT dog WHERE pig OR dog WHERE NOT pig OR dog WHERE pig OR NOT dog WHERE NOT pig OR NOT dog s symbol: & puts it into AND group | puts it into OR group if set empty, use true WHERE TRUE AND TRUE WHERE (pig AND dog) AND TRUE WHERE TRUE AND (cat OR frog) WHERE (pig AND dog) AND (cat OR frog) & = ()&() | = ()|() (a & B) | (C | D) a b c d A & B & C & D a -b c -d A & !B & C & !D +a +b +c +d A & B & C & D +a -b +c -d A & !B & C & !D does white space matter? no steps 0 user input 1 strip out all illegal characters. pass over each character and move to new buffer if valid 2 convert invalid characters to valid character in new buffer 3 remove all whitespace. separate items to token groups 4 apply found symbols to new class. when hit tag, previously applied attributes are used. otherwise defaults used. state set each time new symbol seen, so in essence, last one seen used filename: sha3 512 base 16 sha3_512__18446744073709551616 development install unittest pytest The key words “MUST”, “MUST NOT”, “REQUIRED”, “SHALL”, “SHALL NOT”, “SHOULD”, “SHOULD NOT”, “RECOMMENDED”, “MAY”, and “OPTIONAL” in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119. PACKAGE python -m pip install --upgrade pip python -m pip install --upgrade build python -m pip install --upgrade twine python -m build python -m twine check --strict dist/* # test python -m twine upload --verbose --repository testpypi dist/* python -m pip install --index-url --no-deps celestine python -m pip install --index-url celestine # real python -m twine upload --verbose dist/* python -m pip install celestine INSTALL pip install pytest SHELL COMMAND # quick test python -m pytest python -m unittest python -m pyright pip install more-itertools pip install pylint requests uuid AZURE API for translationts python -m pip install --requirement requirements.txt python -m pip install windows-curses UniCurses 1.2 ?? GUI to try: pip install wxPython pip install pygame pip install Kivy PACKAGE where packages that change functionality, mostly guis no fallback support. either it works or not typically only one of these would be run ever, and only 1 at once EXTENSION is where extra packages can be installed for more functionality will try to provide fallback options so every feature "works" idea is all of them would be installed usually ToDo Features: Add gamma to photos? Both TK and dearpygui support this A true ++ B anti -+ C both -- D zero +- +-----+------+------+------+------+ | AND | same | not | inv | flip | +=====+======+======+======+======+ | A | A | B | C | D | +-----+------+------+------+------+ | B | B | A | D | C | +-----+------+------+------+------+ | C | C | D | A | B | +-----+------+------+------+------+ | D | D | C | B | A | +-----+------+------+------+------+ +-----+---+---+---+---+ | AND | A | B | C | D | +=====+===+===+===+===+ | A | A | B | C | D | +-----+---+---+---+---+ | B | B | B | C | D | +-----+---+---+---+---+ | C | C | C | C | D | +-----+---+---+---+---+ | D | D | D | D | D | +-----+---+---+---+---+ +-----+---+---+---+---+ | OR | A | B | C | D | +=====+===+===+===+===+ | A | A | A | A | A | +-----+---+---+---+---+ | B | A | B | B | B | +-----+---+---+---+---+ | C | A | B | C | C | +-----+---+---+---+---+ | D | A | B | C | D | +-----+---+---+---+---+ # -a viewer main -l en -d D:/size/ # the competition: # cengal # pysimplegui # bottle # masonite # Merge Code and View files. Mark Code functions. Scan all files in app. # sys.meta_path.append(DebugFileLoader) # importer # package name ref: # Glue # Bottle # zipapp on pypi # python -x importtime -c "filename" # decorator __call__ # split stream into load and save # unicode file can use builtin to save space # if == "__main__": # celestine.main(__spec__.origin) """ importer notes. is all you need for 1 language. language/ can be used instead. Not recomended to use both. However, note that language/ takes priority over Must have at least one of these. Recomend using directory version so you can add more languages. Error messages will assume this version. if you have more then 1 language you must use language/ """ """Configuration information will show your saved stuff.""" "This needs a major redo. But for now, load essentials then load all." # LANGUAGE, what user speek # INTERFACE, the gui program # APPLICATION, what program to run # WHALE, # location of configuration file # DIRECTORY, curent working directory of application: security Root modules should have minimal dependecies. root data package causing a lot of problems remove repeated data of load and data session\init application\clean\code configuration self.path application\tests\data translator\data viewer\data session\data main Pink 300 100 ** Midnight Blue #191970 240 63.50 26.86 Celeste #B2FFFF 180 30.20 100.00 Dark Magenta #8B008B 300 100.00 54.51 Sky Magenta #CF71AF Ultra Pink Hex triplet #FF6FFF ToDo Interfaces are dependent on Pillow. Give them a fallback implementation. make has star for blender first draw has star for pygame Font